

This includes the bi-monthly Master Key magazine and the Beginning Anew newsletter, which is sent to our contributors. Most of the literature can be downloaded, printed and/or e-mailed. They are wonderful to read, study and share–all excellent for witnessing to others. We will be updating the literature periodically for your reading pleasure!


You can request a “new inquirer’s packet” free of charge. It will include a list of literature and some sample pamphlets. If you would like more than three (3) pieces of literature, we do request a donation. The cost of printing and mailing escalates every year, and we try to be good stewards with Yahweh’s provisions.


    Should you have any question regarding an item, please do not hesitate to contact YAIM. May our Heavenly Father guide you!.

The Master Key Magazine

The Master Key magazine is dedicated to opening the door to sound Bible understanding. The true names of the Heavenly Father, Yahweh, and His son, Yahshua the Messiah, are restored herein. The “lying pen of the scribes” (Jeremiah 8:8 NIV), and the “experts in the law” (Luke 11:52 NIV), as well as Bible translators, took away the key to knowledge by substituting the titles—God, Lord, Adonai—for the true names. They also neglected other Bible truth proclaimed in these pages. The Sacred Name is easily proved in most good encyclopedias and dictionaries under the heading “Yahweh,” “Jehovah,” “god” or “Tetragrammaton.” You may also request our free booklets, “The Heavenly Father’s Great Name,” and “The Missing J” for a wealth of well-known secular and religious sources that prove the Sacred Name in detail. The Master Key is published by Yahweh’s Assembly in Messiah. Although we offer a free one-year subscription, your donation is welcome and will help spread the news of the coming Kingdom of Yahweh to the entire world. We sincerely thank you for your support.



January-February 2023 Master Key


This issue of the Master Key magazine includes articles about the Judgment Day of Yahweh, how to become a “doorkeeper,” info about our children’s website, and answers to the question: Is the Law Burdensome? There are more articles, as well as offerings of free literature, an anonymous poem, and the 2023 Holy Day calendar with projected new moons and Feast Days! Please let us know if you’re enjoying these magazines and/or if you have comments or requests! May Yahweh abundantly bless all those who are truly seeking to serve Him!


March-April 2023 Master Key

March-April 2023 MK

This is the Passover issue of the Master Key magazine, and includes articles about the Spring feast days, an invitation to Passover and the 7 days of Unleavened Bread, as well as many other timely articles. Just use our contact form if you plan to join us for the Spring holy days. May Yahweh abundantly bless all those who are truly seeking to serve Him!


May-June 2023 Master Key

May-June 2023 MK

This is the Feast of Weeks issue of the Master Key magazine, and includes articles about “Pentecost,” an invitation to the whole weekend, also articles titled, “Judgement–An Ever-Burning Fire? (or not),” “Our Calling & Election,” “The Day the Holy Spirit Came to Town,” and several offers for free booklets. Just use our contact form if you’d like to order any of our literature. May Yahweh abundantly bless all those who are truly seeking to serve Him!


July-August 2023 Master Key

July-August 2023 MK

This issue includes articles such as: “Things to Come,” “Deep Spiritual Truths,” “Hiding the Word in Your Heart,” “Love Is the Key to Open the Kingdom’s Door,” etc. Please contact us if you’d like to receive a free one-year subscription to the Master Key magazine, and may Yahweh bless you as you search for His truth!


September-October 2023 Master Key

September-October 2023 MK

This is our fall issue and includes articles about the Feast of Trumpets and Atonement, and a Feast of Tabernacles invitation; “Dispensationalism,” “Deep Spiritual Truths, Pt. 2,” and free booklet offers. We’ve also included information about the FOT and what to expect, especially if you’re coming for the first time! We own an 80-acre campground which is equipped to handle several hundred brethren of like precious faith. Please contact us if you’d like to receive a free one-year subscription to the Master Key magazine, and may Yahweh bless you as you search for His truth!


November-December 2023 Master Key

November-December 2023 MK

This is our last issue of 2023 and includes the following: “Signs of the Times,” “Deep Spiritual Truths, Pt. 3,” Identity Problem—Who Are the People of Yahweh,” “Guide on How to Handle Criticism … and Making Amends,” “Scriptural Help for Anger,” “Truth about New Year’s Day,” as well as free booklet offers for the “Heavenly Father’s Great Name,” and “The Missing J.” Please contact us if you’d like to receive a free one-year subscription to the Master Key magazine, and may Yahweh bless you as you search for His truth!


January-February 2024 Master Key

January-February 2024 MK

Here’s our new 2024 issue of the Master Key magazine. It includes: “Followers of the Way, Part 4,” “Simplified Instructions for Life,” Yahweh’s Assembly in Messiah YouTube channel, “Deep Spiritual Truths, Part 4,” “Points to Live By,” a Women’s Corner article titled, “Keep Your Temple Healthy,” 2024 holy day calendar information, and an offering for our free Bible correspondence course. Please contact us if you’d like to receive a free one-year subscription to the Master Key magazine. Yahweh bless you as you search for and hold fast to His truth!


March-April 2024 Master Key


This issue includes the updated 2024 Holy Day calendar, as well as Passover/Unleavened Bread articles, and an invitation to anyone of good faith to join us for the Passover celebration (14th day of Nisan), then Passover day, and the 7-day Feast of ULB beginning at sunset (15th day of Nisan). You’ll find a booklet offer on the back cover. Request your free copy of “The Purpose of Life.” And contact us if you’d like to receive a free one-year subscription to the magazine. May Yahweh bless you as you search for His truth!


The Beacon Magazine


Many of the truths in the Bible have been glossed over or simply ignored. YAIY Beacon Magazine goes into the Scriptures in depth to reveal and explain what most never teach... Please do not hesitate to contact us. Truths that have a direct bearing on personal salvation. Let the Beacon guide you through the Bible as restores, "the faith once delivered to the saints." Jude 1:3.


Current Issue

April-June 2024

July-September 2024


Other Literature

Heavenly Father’s Great Name
The Missing J
The Sabbath–Memorial & Promise
New Testament Holy Days
Bible Correspondence Course
Clean Foods
Easter–The True Meaning
The Real Story of Christmas
New Year’s Day
Yahshua vs. Jesus
Pork, in Cheese?


Other Organization Links

Assemblies of Yahweh
Assembly of Yahweh
Assembly of the Living Yahweh
Congregation of Yahshua
Congregation of Yahweh
Congregation of Yahweh in Yahshua HaMashiach
International Congregation of Yahweh
United Congregation of Yahweh
Yahweh's Assembly in Messiah
Yahweh's Assembly in Yahshua
Yahweh's Philadelphia Truth Congregation
Yahweh's Restoration Ministry




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