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 Inspirational Messages


Spend Time to Elohim

As you take that step toward Elohim, he will meet you at that step. “Long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation."


Self-Discipline Line

If we are to exercise self-control, we must relinquish the control of our lives to Yahshua Messiah. Here is a paradox of the Faithful life: We must give up the control of self if we would gain self control. May Elohim enable us to exercise self discipline, an absolute necessity for victory over sin. an absolute necessity for victory over sin.



Yom Kippur represents forgiveness and pardon for the people of Yahweh and wrath and eternal judgment for those who reject Yahweh’s forgiveness.


Role in the Assembly

Feminist critics of the Bible often claim that the apostle Paul was a misogynist who held women back and suppressed their voices. They will point to a few passages from Paul’s letters to support this claim. Please take a look for a more enlightening words.


Ways and Standards of Measure

Every day we are becoming either more like Yahshua or less like him. Spiritual formation is the name for that process by which the Believers and Followers, in union with the Messiah and guided by the Ruach haQodesh. Self-examination is part of the living of the servant.


True Existence of Elohim

Elohim exists and He is real, even Yahshua the Messiah His begotten and beloved Son. He knows you and he loves you and he gave his only begotten Son that you might be saved. Have faith in Elohim! and in His Son! What about you?


Be A Changemakers - Cooperate!

Yahshua died for us and rose again, and there is nowhere else where we can experience that kind of love but with Him as our Savior and coming King. Be a change maker with a strong heart, today.


Be Grateful for His Grace

Submit to His sovereign dealings with you by praising Him, obeying His Word, and making Him known to others. “He is Yahweh our Elohim; His judgments are in all the earth. Praise Yahweh!


Build Up One Another

It’s not good works that will save us. It’s our endurance, our walk in faith and obedience until the end through Yahshua who can save us. By His mercy and His love should motivate us to build up one another!


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