Day of Pentecost 2024

Shavuot (June 15-16, 2024), the holiday of “weeks”, commemorates Israel's receiving the Torah at Sinai. After the 49-day, 7-week countdown since Passover, we at last reach Shavuot on the 50th day. In the congregation we read the story of the Revelation at Sinai, in which the Most High descended upon Mount Sinai and communicated directly with Israel, giving the nation the Ten Commandments and its unique mission to Elohim and mankind. And in the time of the disciples and Apostles who gathered in one accord in one place to wait for the power from on High, they were filled with Spirit and gave them utterance to speak in other tongues, a revelation spoken by prophet Joel that has been fulfilled.  We also read the Book of Ruth, telling the story of one of Israel's finest converts.


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