Day of Trumpets 2024

Yom Teruah (October 3rd sundown) is a day of shouting and alarm to remind men that Yom Kippurim is near. “There are only 10 days left” for the wicked to repent of their wickedness and join themselves (falls on October 4 until sunset) to True Israel. Each month throughout the year the reminder, the warning cry, has been blown; “the seventh month is coming and soon it will be too late to repent. Now is the time, seize the moment and repent!” It is also signifies the glorious coming of the Savior and King, the Great Elohim at His appearing of which the last trump shall sound to raise the dead and the living who are in Messiah Yahshua taking them in power and glory and change the corruptible body into incorruptible body.


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